Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our Class


Likeable Lucy.


Cute when she smiles.

Yellow is NOT my favourite colour,blue is!



Jake is my name

Amazing at maths


Expert reader

Class photo

Ralph has just come back from a holiday in the Philippines and it is great to finally have everyone here, so on a sunny afternoon we took Little Ted and Big Ted out for a class photo.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tina's RWC Puppet

Reflection of My Week

I feel very proud of my puppet. I have finished her face, and I just need to put the wool on for hair, and tie it up into a pony-tail.Then I will be able to work on the clothes! Next time I would like to maybe paint my face black and white, or draw a New Zealand flag onto the face. And maybe, I might give my puppet a flag or something to hold.

Written by Tina Ma

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cross Country Review

Ellishas Blog

       My Cross country run.



“Mum! Mum!” I screamed in pain. 

It was Thursday, I had just fallen off my bike and my foot was stuck under the handle bars. “Ouch.” My Mum came and she yelled for Dad to come and help. They carried me inside and put me on the couch. Mum grabbed some ice and l placed it on my foot. That night I had a bad sleep so in the morning I was really tired and I could hardly eat my breakfast without spilling the milk everywhere!  As I was having my breakfast I caught eye of the school news letter and as my eye went down the page I saw CROSS COUNTRY in big bold letters. ‘Oh no,’ I yelled, ‘because of my sprained ankle I can’t do the cross country tomorrow.’

I‘d been looking forward to running it all year so I said to myself ‘I’m going to try’.  So I rested my foot and made sure I went to bed early for a good night’s sleep so that I wouldn’t be tired for the big race. The next morning I was ready to go but my foot was no different. I hopped to school without my crutches. Everyone was wondering why I was walking on my foot but I told them they would soon find out. 

“GO!” Mrs O’Hanlon shouted. I ran ahead and kept on going. It was really hard because I have asthma which is when you can’t breath properly. I ran and ran coughing and coughing but I knew soon it would all be over. I ran towards the the finish line and I came 4th and got a place in the inter school team. I was very proud of myself and even though my foot was sorer than before I’m glad I tried so hard. And I can do it all again when my foot gets better. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Million Fireflies

Finally, the time has come for New Zealand to host the Rugby World Cup! Thousands of fans were on their way from all over Auckland to watch the opening ceremony at Eden Park. The Government only expected 50,000 people to watch the opening ceremony in town, but if you times that amount by four that was the actual number. 200,000 people turned up and if any more people had gone onto the wharf the Government thought it would CRASH and BREAK!

Sparkles filled the sky from 8pm on. A BAM went off here and a BAM went off there. What a magnificent sight. The sky lit up in sparks of colour. Our eyes were as wide as dinner plates for the full 11 minutes of amazement. It looked like a million fireflies bursting colour into the navy blue sky.

Probably everyone in Auckland who was in town was squashed against strangers who were trying to get a glimpse of the sparks.

Georgia was wearing some pretty cool sliver fern earrings, while Jude had her face painted with a sliver fern on her cheek and New Zealand ROCKS painted on her forehead. Jude was also wearing a New Zealand hat, shirt and pants.

After all the sparks and BAMS, began the game. New Zealand got into a head start of ten nil. But soon enough Tonga was in the game. Both teams did very well and it was a hard first game. Dan Carter scored the first points of the Rugby World Cup. After an exciting and nerve wracking hour and twenty minutes the score was 41-10 to New Zealand. We had won the match!


By Jude and Georgia.